Questions, comments, or concerns? Need prayer? Then feel free to reach out anytime!
** Offended by something we said and want to burn down our city? Get over it snowflake! Threats of violence or harassment will NOT be tolerated so take your “mostly peaceful protest” somewhere else! **


There are costs involved with maintaining a website and producing digital media but by the grace of God this ministry has been online since 2010 and almost entirely funded through our own resources. That’s because this ministry was NEVER designed to be a “source of income” or “career choice” but rather it has always been “an outlet” to share our faith to a lost and dying world at “any and all cost”. I can assure you the IRS hasn’t the slightest reason to send their “armed goons” after us, but that certainly can’t be said of those who have been “milking” the people of God as they ride along the “gravy train” of organized religion! These “career sales men” are ever-seeking to live off the income of others under the guise or threat of “stealing from God” instead of getting a “real job” like everyone else in the “real world”. That’s how “special” they are… So instead of sending money to some “ministry” or “preacher” (including this one!) how about you “pay it forward” and use your offerings to take care of someones groceries while you’re standing in-line at the grocery store? Or something of like manner? Anything is better than lining the pockets of those who have made “merchandise” of God’s people! It’s our prayer that the love of Jesus will fuel an “exodus” from organized religion, and furthermore “bankrupt” these career sales men who think it’s “their right” to stand before the people of God as the self-righteous representatives they are. If this offends YOU then perhaps you are THE VERY PERSON we wrote this for…


Our mission has always been to call sin by its right name, and God’s people out of the fallen churches of Babylon. We make no apologies for it either!